
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Grey Cat Plushie

   Earlier this month my eldest came up to me and asked me if I could make her a grey cat plushie for her friends birthday.  I said "sure, what did she have in mind?"  she wanted a grey kitty posing with a peace sign with sunglasses.  Now... I'm sorta new to this whole plushie thing.  I pretty much just draw out what I'm going to make first, then trace it with tracing paper and cut that out and use that as my template.  A kitty with a peace sign and sunglasses was something I've never attempted before.  I told my daughter "sure, I like a challenge." and then she throws in at the end "its for this Sunday"... which was a week from when she was telling me all of this.  O_o  
Now usually when I make a plush I take my time and usually I make mistakes. Which is fine because  it's all part of the learning process but this time I had a time limit.  I puffed out my chest like superman and reassured my daughter that she would have a grey kitty with a peace sign AND sunglasses to give to her friend by the end of the week. 
I had tons of luck when making this because I had no huge mess ups.  The worst thing that happened was my thread knotted up as I was sewing. 
It's not a perfect but I had fun making the little grey kitty with a peace sign and sunglasses.  I met my first deadline and I gained more experience.  But the most important thing out of all this was my daughters friend loved it and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

The charm was added as part of the gift
The eyebrow on the right of the picture was a little off but I fixed it once I realized it and continued taking pics.

Hand sewn - Materials: Felt

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just a quick post: Self portrait

It's been awhile since I've shared anything that I've done.  Too much procrastination on my end.  Thought I'd share something real quick before finally hitting the sack. I was determined to post something before the night was over.  Well.... the night is over and it's 5:26am.  I've been working on it all night along with changing a couple of things here and there. 

Self Portrait
Done in Pencil and the rest was done in PS CS6
My bed calls and I must OBEY!  Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good evening and Good Night!  Just thought I'd cover it all depending on what time or part of the world you've come across this silly little post!

*In case you're wondering, yes, I used the same background for both picture and blog :) least for now.