
Friday, September 27, 2013

Marceline The Vampire Queen

   Recently I was working on a couple of Adventure Time polymer clay figures.  One of them was Marceline but picky me wasn't too happy with the way she turned out.  This was my first attempt below.

For my second attempt I felt a little bold and decided to make a full blown 3D sculpture.  (What was I thinking?!) If ever there was a figure sculpture of some sort that I would like to have it would be of one of my favorite characters,  Marceline. 

I gave it a shot and this was the result....

She may not be 100% perfect but I loved how she turned out.  I have her displayed right next to my keyboard.  For me, she is a reminder to always think outside the box and never be afraid to try new things.  You may not always get the results you want but that's ok. The important thing is to never give up and keep trying. If you give up you will never know what you are capable of.

More pics plus a Marceline figure that's more like the 1st one I made.

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Lalaloopsy Harley Quinn

 A few years ago I purchased a Lalaloopsy doll for my oldest daughter. Her name was Peanut.

Peanut Big Top™ was made from bits of a brightly-colored clown costume. She is a silly prankster who's a little bit clumsy and loves to make her friends laugh. She has a pet elephant.
Sewn on Date: April 1st (April Fool's day)

My oldest daughter didn't care for dolls to begin with so when she expressed some interest in a Lalaloopsy doll I was a bit shocked.  With that being said, I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised with how quickly she was over Peanut.  I'm not a big fan of dolls myself but I have to say I do have a soft spot for these cute plastic rag like dolls.

I decided, after putting much thought into this idea I had brewing inside my head, Peanut needed a makeover.  Perhaps a bit more towards my geeky/nerdy side. I thought "Hmmm Harley Quinn would make a great Lalaloopsy doll given Peanuts history and all" and well, I came up with this....