
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ender Dragon

This month my oldest daughter celebrated her birthday.  For her special day she wanted an Ender Dragon to go on top of her cake.   Now for those of you who don't know what an Ender Dragon is it's basically well, a dragon, that happens to be the biggest mob boss you will face in a game called Minecraft. 
The key word here being biggest.  Which means this was going out of my comfort zone as far as scale goes. Which is a good thing!  I mean how else am I going to learn if I don't push myself every now and then right? Right!
In the end my birthday girl was very happy! Mission accomplished •ᴗ•

Measures 10.5 inches from wing to wing (width)  8 inches from head to tail (length)

May not seem like it because of the angle the pic was taken but trust me its 8 inches :)

Materials used: Polymer clay
                         Acrylic paint for touch ups
                         Triple Thick (gloss glaze)

Ender Dragon Inspired by Deviant Art user LockRikard spinning Ender Dragon animation
He has a lot of cool digital minecraft art and spinning animations.  Highly recommend his page if you're a fan of the game

I also have a deviant art page but I post a lot more pictures here on my blog than I do there. I'll include a link below if anyone is interested.
My Deviant Art page

Thanks for stopping by!

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