
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happiness is within You

Happiness...there really isn't one true definition.  Everyone's interpretation is different.  There will be others out there who will try and steer you away from it or even try to drag you down to a dark place,  away from anything that makes you genuinely happy.  Sometimes it's because others don't agree with whatever it is that brings joy to your life.  Sometimes it's for no rhyme or reason.  
Just remember...It's your life not theirs.
 You can't please everyone. You can't dim the light on your own happiness simply cause someone decides not to light theirs.
So continue to pursue yours because you are worth it.
That's what this little bear represents.  Me choosing to follow my own path. My own Happiness.


                                                                    Done in PS CS6

I already updated this picture 3 times. Probably most likely for sure I'll be updating it again in the near future.  :D

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